Grade Five had a pretty special week.
Each year, the Drummondville Fire Department run a number of city-wide contests in conjunction with Fire Safety Week. One, the Firefighter for a Day contest, was won by Lloyd, an he had an amazing day.
Another contest is a fire drill contest. The firefighters are present for one unannounced fire drill at the beginning of each school year. Our school, once again (I must brag) was the fastest school in the city to evacuate and account for everyone (under two minutes).
As a result two classes in the school won a random draw for a pizza lunch sponsored by Mike's. Yay!
But, as if that were not enough, firefighters came and ate with the students, brought three fire trucks to school and allowed the students a guided tour inside the cab of one of the trucks. Students were given firehats and goodie-bags, and were filmed by COGECO for a human interest story.
It was a wonderful day, and the students are very grateful for the time and attention shown to them.
Thank you, Drummondville Fire Department!