Hello Families,
The CLSC nurse has now completed her two-part discussion on puberty with the students. I had a questions and answer session with them just now to answer lingering questions. The students were shy, but many had questions and most had heard things (on buses, in locker rooms, on television) that they had questions or concerns about.
You can go to this link http://sexualityandu.ca/teachers/tools-9-3.aspx to see the slide shows the nurse presented to the students.
As well, I would encourage you to have a look at this Government of Canada website http://sexualityandu.ca/home_e.aspx
for more information to will help you discuss these issues with your child if needed. I reviewed much of the material, and while they do not need much of this material right now, it is better as parents to be prepared and to know what kind of issues they may be hearing about when they aren't with us. As well, it give us an idea of what kinds of behaviors teenagers are engaging in and what kinds of misinformation they may be exposed to.
I hope that you find this information helpful.
Enjoy the Easter long weekend!
Kathy Napier