Thursday, December 6, 2012

Blogging Code of Conduct - Final Draft

After much careful consideration, here are the Internet blogging rules the students have developed and pledge to respect. I think they have done an exceptional job. Good work, Grade 6!

Code of Conduct

1. I am responsible for my posts. My posts and comments will be interesting, respectful, appropriate, and truthful. I will do my best to make my work grammatical, to limit abbreviations, and to make sure my work doesn’t repeat.

2. I will disagree politely and will report inappropriate content.

3. I will keep my password, personal information, contact information, and location to myself. I will only use my own password.

4. I will be respectful of other people’s personal lives and their privacy.

5. I will ask permission before taking or posting photos of others. I will only use unaltered photos (no ‘photoshoped’ images).

6. I will use my own words, work, and photos, or give credit when necessary.

7. I will only write things to or about people that I would be willing to say to their face.

8.I will keep gossip and personal comments to myself.

9. I will listen to my teacher and respect the school rules at all times.

10. I will stay on task.

Parents, please keep in mind that you are welcome to join our kidblog community. Leave a comment here, or send a note to school, and I can send you a username and password.

Kathy Napier

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