Friday, September 25, 2009

I can hear it from here...

I can.
You might think I can't, but I can.

It is the sound of 27 families kvetching about the weekend's homework.

I know I usually don't give homework on the weekend (save for reading, which I refuse to consider work). But I had to.

I did. I had to. And not only is it homework. It is the recorder. I can hear the groans from here.

Don't blame me. The Quebec Education Program says they have to learn an instrument. So off we go on a musical odyssey from "Mary Had a Little Lamb" to "Ode to Joy" in twelve weeks. So if we are going to get there, we have to start somewhere. This weekend it's the notes G A B and an overview of the sheets in their duotang.

If your sixth-grader is squeak-screeching around the house this weekend, check their fingering to make sure the air isn't leaking out the sides of their little fingers.

Then send them out to serenade the neighbors. ;)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Interesting Presentation on Motivation

Have you seen the TED talks?

TED stands for Technology, Entertainment and Design, and the talks are given by experts from around that world who are given 20 minutes to explain their research, findings, theories or new ideas. I am hooked on these talks, which are like a little "brain spa."

If you have 20 minutes, watch this. It is about motivation, and how reward systems backfire:

The speaker makes the point that there is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does. I couldn't help but think that the mismatch applies to schools as well. Often, kids are already in the "what's in it for me?" paradigm that reward systems can foster, and we have all seem scenarios in which the carrot and the stick are the only tools someone has for making someone do something. And I don't just mean with the students.

Autonomy, mastery and purpose not only work better, it seems, but allow everyone to keep their integrity.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Welcome Back!

Hello Families!

It has been a pleasure to have the students back these last two days. They have settled in remarkably well, gotten into the routine and adapted to the changes that we have brought. Everyone seems rested and healthy, and they seem anxious to do their work well (even if they are not happy about having homework).

You will be hearing more form me in the next few days, but I wanted to remind you that I am available my phone and email if you have any questions or concerns, and we can arrange to meet if you so desire.

A little information you need:
Physical Education class will take place on Thursday and Friday
Mr Rutherford will be teaching Science in French
Mme Lucie will be teaching French Monday through Thursday
I will be teaching all other subjects (schedule to follow)

All my very best wishes for a wonderful school year!
Kathy Napier